Making waves with 3D plankton
Hull’s award-winning aquarium, The Deep, planned to create an immersive and innovative exhibition to showcase the drifting inhabitants of cool seas – such as plankton and jellyfish.
[Read More]Hull’s award-winning aquarium, The Deep, planned to create an immersive and innovative exhibition to showcase the drifting inhabitants of cool seas – such as plankton and jellyfish.
[Read More]There’s growing demand for all-terrain vehicles that can be used on farms, in forests and open spaces. Most quad vehicles are imported, and powered by petrol or diesel engines. Pulse EV are a Humber-based start-up who want to change that.
[Read More]If the worst were to happen tomorrow, would your family know your wishes around organ donation? It’s a difficult conversation to have, and one that many people put off – but hundreds of transplant opportunities don’t happen due to uncertainty.
[Read More]The University of Hull’s Estates team had a problem with plumbing parts going missing. This was costing the University time and money to replace whole plumbing units, which also wasn’t sustainable.
[Read More]Marine life is at risk from microplastic pollution, but can 3D-printed corals be used to help understand the crisis? When researchers at the University of Hull’s Energy and Environment Institute...
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