Aura Privacy Policy

Aura Privacy Notice

Led by the University of Hull, Aura is at the forefront of innovation for the offshore wind sector through leading collaboration, pioneering ideas and outstanding innovation. Aura aims to help solve the technical and operational challenges facing the offshore wind sector and facilitate the development of skills and expertise.

The information that you provide will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Your personal data will be collected and processed for the purpose of helping you with your enquiry, tracking our engagement activity with you and your organisation, as well as to update you about initiatives, events and conferences, training and funding opportunities and newsletters and sector updates. The data may be used to compile reports and statistics to comply with contractual requirements and for general administration purposes.

To help progress your enquiry we may share your personal data with other internal departments including relevant academic departments, marketing and business engagement departments and with external subsidiaries and partner organisations and with our funders and organisations delivering services on their behalf.

The personal data that you provide to the University of Hull will be held by the University of Hull in compliance with our Retention Schedule.

The Aura Innovation Centre (AIC) is owned and delivered by the University of Hull and is part funded by European Regional Development Fund and the Green Port Growth Programme. If you enquire about the Aura Innovation Centre, attend an ERDF funded event, rent space or hire meeting and conference facilities or receive support from the AIC through a combination of academic and technical staff time to scope, design and deliver innovation projects together with materials and equipment support and workshop equipment support, this data will be maintained in line with the contractual requirements of the project. In line with the requirements of the ESIF Growth Programme 2014-2020 this data will be maintained for at least 10 years after the lifetime of the funding programme and will therefore be retained until at least 31 December 2035 and will be shared with the funding body, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) for contractual reasons, for reporting; statistical & research purposes; statutory purposes and subsequent evaluation of the project.

Under the General Data Protection Regulation, the University must establish a legal basis for processing your personal data and communicate this to you. The legal basis for processing your personal data is based on your consent.

Your right of access to your personal data

You have a right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you. If you would like to request a copy of some or all of your personal data, please contact the University’s Information Compliance Department. [email protected]

We want to make sure that your personal data is accurate and up to date. You may ask us to correct or remove information that you think is inaccurate.

Your other rights as a data subject

The GDPR provides you, as a data subject, with a number of rights in relation to your personal data. You have the right to withdraw your consent where that is the legal basis of our processing, have inaccuracies in the personal data that we hold about you rectified, a right to erasure, to request that the processing of your personal data be restricted, to object to certain processing activities and to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office about the way we process your personal data.

Changes to our privacy notice

We will keep our privacy notice under regular review and we will place any updates on our web page and inform data subjects of this change

Who do I contact if I want to know more?

For further information about your right to access information we hold about you, or to make a complaint about the way in which we are handling your personal information please visit our Governance and Information Compliance pages or contact the Governance and Information Compliance Team at [email protected]

If you are not satisfied with our response or wish to raise a complaint with our supervisory body, you may complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office.

University of Hull Details:

The University of Hull is a registered data controller with the Information Commissioner’s Office. The registered address is:

The University of Hull
Cottingham Road

If you would like to update your information or preferences, please email us at [email protected]


What are cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored on your hard drive to allow the University of Hull to recognise you when you visit. They can remember your preferences by gathering and storing information. They do not identify you as an individual user, just the computer used. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or create viruses on your computer. It does not give the University access to your computer.

Why do we use them?

We may use cookies to improve or personalise your online experience of our websites. For example we use Google Analytics to enable us to identify which pages you find useful and which you do not. This allows us to improve our navigation so you can find things easier in future.

If you don’t want to receive cookies

If you would prefer not to receive cookies while browsing our site, you can set your browser so that it will not download cookies onto your computer. Doing so will still allow you to navigate through the majority of our site but possibly not all of it. If you wish to register on a password protected area of our website you will need to allow “per-session” cookies. These are temporarily used while you are visiting the site but deleted when you close your browser or log out.

To find out more information about cookies, visit:

How we use Cookies

We may use cookies to store information about your membership to parts of our site, or to enable you to log in to online resources. This might include blogs, portals, forums, or protected content. The information is stored to enable you to use these resources, and to remember your log in details between sessions. If you clear your cookies, you may need to login to these parts of the website each time you visit.

Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc.. Google Analytics uses ‘cookies’, which are text files placed on your computer. Google Analytics allows the university to look at how visitors are using the site with the aim of improving visitor’s experience.