[04 September 2023]

Turbines on Tour!

The Aura Innovation Centre was delighted to host a collection of wind turbine models designed and built by local school children for a renewable energy project designed to spark interest in STEM careers from an early age.


UK STEM, an AuraFleX business tenant, are a local provider of educational resources to raise awareness of the low carbon agenda and specialise in the renewable energy sector. They deliver a range of educational consultancy packages to businesses, schools, colleges, as well as teacher CPD, bespoke education products and STEM camps and workshops to students both national and international students.

UK STEM partnered with North Lincolnshire Council to deliver a renewable energy project which focused on offshore wind energy. As part of the project the children where tasked with building a fully scaled wind turbine model allowing the children to engage with the project in a creative way whilst visually helping them to understand the concept of offshore wind and how energy is created.

Mike Cargill, Director, UK STEM said: “It was great to see the children engaging with the project in such a creative way. The project had two aspects: the art project allowing the children to build the turbine and design it to represent their vision for renewable energy in the Humber Estuary. The second aspect: the science project giving the children the opportunity to investigate how blade design and wind speed influences the output from their wind turbine.”

The children taking part attended a celebration event at the 20 21 Visual Arts Centre, Scunthorpe where they received a Global STEM Award reflecting their involvement in the project.

The turbines that the children designed where initially on display at the 20 21 Visual Arts Centre then went on tour to the Scunthorpe Central Library, the Aura Innovation Centre and then went on to the Humber Science Fest 2023.

Click here to find out more about the project.