About the Event
Join us at 1:30pm on 28th September to participate in the discussions on how Yorkshire and the Humber are bridging the skills gap faced by the Net Zero transition and maximising the job opportunities that will come as part of building back better and greener.
As the country seeks to understand and address the economic impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic, a crucial aspect of this process is ensuring that our most important asset for a Green Recovery – our people – are the central focus. The effects of the interruptions to education over the last two years on our young people, the job losses for many and the need for new ‘green’ skills, for all, over the coming years requires the urgent attention from all of us, at all levels of government (national and regional), business, education providers and civil society. Working together we need to address the changing nature of work and skills that are going to be needed to meet the green industrial revolution. This is going to require a levelling up that sees greater diversity, wider access and better social inclusion. We need a comprehensive and holistic view of the green skills and jobs challenge ahead of us.
Joining the Summit will give you the opportunity to hear from speakers from different sectors and with different perspectives, including our keynote speaker Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire. Through a series of business sector snapshots, breakout groups and a Q+A panel discussion, our guest speakers will be discussing the role of green skills in the ‘levelling up’ agenda and the importance of Government, industry, unions, education providers and civil society working together to support the upskilling and reskilling of the workforce in the North.
The event will be delivered online and in-person at the University of Hull’s Aura Innovation Centre (AIC), in partnership with YHCC and Marketing Humber. Book your place now so that you can contribute to this important debate and influence future action.