Day two of the annual Waterline conference focuses on Adaptation and Resilience.
Join global leaders in sustainable development, Arup and leading experts from the University of Hull’s Energy and Environment Institute for this engaging and interactive session to share and explore new approaches to climate adaptation and resilience.
We hope you will join us for the full morning, including free networking lunch.
Our programme:
How we look ahead and make decisions about the future is dependent on multiple internal and external factors. Understanding and engaging citizens’ and communities’ experiences, feelings and behaviours around the risks and consequences of climate change is key to creating positive futures for all.
Session 1:
Working creatively together: adapting to a changing climate
The Energy and Environment Institute is innovating new methods for communities and organisations to engage around climate change and become more resilient.
This exciting hands-on taster session takes a fresh look at engaging communities, customers and clients, influencing how people feel about climate change and move towards new behaviours.
Session 2:
Moving positively towards an uncertain future
Building on the experience of the first session, Arup will lead a panel discussion session exploring how we move forwards in the face of climate change.
Businesses and organisations of all types and sizes are trying to plan in the face of uncertainty around climate change. Join our panel to explore how we can move towards this ‘uncertain future’ in a more positive way, both in the short-term and the long-term.
A free networking lunch will be provided for participants.